REC Electrifies Competition

Celebrating Excellence: Spotlight on Excellence Awards Shines Bright

In the realm of electric co-op communications and marketing, brilliance knows no bounds. It's a sentiment that the Spotlight on Excellence Awards passionately echoes. This prestigious platform illuminates exceptional achievements woven by professionals across the Co-op Nation, creating a tapestry of outstanding work that reverberates across communication platforms. The 2017 winners of the Spotlight on Excellence Awards are the embodiment of excellence – setting the bar high, leaving an enduring impact, showcasing professionalism, and delivering results that are nothing short of remarkable.

Unveiling the Pinnacle: A Recognition Like No Other

Among the accolades that glisten in the spotlight, the prestigious Spotlight on Excellence Award stands as the pinnacle – an initiative nurtured by the Council of Rural Electric Communicators. It is a badge of honor, NRECA's ultimate communication accolade that crowns the best of the best. The award acknowledges the relentless dedication, the adherence to high standards, and the exceptional achievements showcased by the winners' projects and programs throughout the year.

A Star-Studded Victory: REC Shines Bright

In the tapestry of winners, REC stands as a true luminary, emerging victorious across a spectrum of categories. Their achievements are nothing short of awe-inspiring, demonstrating a commitment to excellence that's worth celebrating. And within this constellation of accomplishments, 837 Design takes a humble bow, delighted to witness REC's recognition for the work they've entrusted us to create.

Gilded Designs: The Gems of Recognition

The award-winning designs that have carved REC's name in the annals of excellence shine like beacons. The "Best Wild Card - GOLD - REC Linemen" project embodies the spirit of dedication and hard work that powers the industry. Meanwhile, the "Best Individual Ad - GOLD - We’ve Got This - Power On" campaign radiates with resilience and determination. Not to be overshadowed, the "Best Individual Ad - SILVER - REC Hands" project stands as a symbol of teamwork and collaboration that make achievements possible.

A Collective Triumph: REC, 837 Design, and Beyond

In this tale of triumph, it's important to remember that excellence is never a solitary journey. REC's victories reflect a collaborative spirit, where their vision aligned with our creativity, and together we forged designs that truly resonate. As the recognition pours in, it reinforces our shared belief in crafting remarkable experiences that make a difference.

Proud Moments, Bright Futures

As we applaud REC's achievements and the accolades they've earned, we also look ahead. The journey of excellence doesn't end here – it's a path that beckons us forward, inspiring us to keep innovating, pushing boundaries, and creating designs that continue to dazzle and inspire.

The Spotlight on Excellence Awards isn't just about recognition; it's a celebration of the power of communication, creativity, and collaboration. It's a testament to the incredible impact that outstanding work can achieve, and a promise of even brighter achievements on the horizon.


Creative Agency 837 Design Selected Best of the Burg 2019


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